Analyze, design and develop systems according to needs.

We are a systems development company committed to creating solutions that meet our customers' needs. We understand that customer success is our goal. We are therefore committed to promoting and supporting customers in every step of system development. So that the system meets customer needs and helps customers achieve their goals efficiently.


We develop systems that innovate and keep up with new technology. always in order to develop a system that is modern and highly efficient Ready to have standard work processes and operating guidelines. To be used in designing and developing quality systems according to the company's standard criteria. So that customers can compete with competitors with the strongest and highest quality!!
We care about our customers. Ready to provide flexible service and respond to customer needs in every situation

Standard criteria used to control the quality and efficiency of the company


System Development Standards

System development standards include the ISO 29110 standard, which focuses on 2 main processes: Project Management and Software Implementation There is a quality management cycle (PDCA) along with a method of working. Agile that provides agility, change, and rapid response to customer needs. There is also risk management (Risk Management). In order not to affect work and achieve the planned goals.

Performance Performance

Load Balance / Cache / Image Compress (WebP)

There is a balanced work distribution system (Load balance). In order for the system to be efficient, it can support a large number of users who come to use the website during the same period. It can also support expansion from increased demand in the future.

AntiVirus Security

Clam AntiVirus / Fail2Ban / Header Scurity / Database Encryption

Free antivirus tools for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware, and other malicious threats Ready to scan files daily and immediately notify administrators' emails when malicious files are detected.

Schedule Backups

Schedule / External (NAS) / Clean Log Files

External backup too Network-Attached Storage (NAS) This is to bring the data out and store it outside the server to prevent any loss or damage that occurs. Server and cleaning trace files (Log) in every part to make the system more efficient in Read / Write. get the most

Creative, Promote and support to focus on our goals and customer satisfaction

  • Attentive and friendly service
  • UX/UI suitable for use
  • Convenient and fast
  • Work with heart and honesty
  • Quality and efficiency
  • The price is reasonable and worth it

Quality and service

  • Experience and expertise with a professional team
  • Focus on the need to care and understand customers.
  • Providing comprehensive and complete services
  • Flexibly respond to customer needs

There are experts who check for vulnerabilities and system performance

  • Helps ensure that the system meets established standards
  • Helps prevent risks and damage that may occur to the website
  • Helps increase efficiency and effectiveness of operations
  • Help improve the work process

A good product is one that understands and meets the needs of its users.


Solution DIGI

Consulting services, planning, designing new work systems or expanding business from existing work systems

(Consultant, Designer, System Analyst, Data Analyst)

Providing advice, consulting or discussing guidelines for practice before hiring. To evaluate ways to solve problems or expanding business from the original work system By experts in systems and data analysis

Web application development service Mobile Application and email server service Install web server

(Web / Mobile Application, Email / Web Server)

Services on a variety of platforms such as websites, mobile applications, and emails. Install the server Or a personal program on the Windows operating system (.exe) in case you don't want to use it through the website.

Ready-made website system packages ready to install and use immediately

(ERP, KPI360, BI, PDPA API, WordPress, etc.)

Website services or ready-made systems that are ready to be installed and used immediately. The system can be further customized in case the customer needs additional work. Including creating a website with WordPress CMS. You can view the ready-made system

Services for system administrators, websites, database systems Webmail system or taking care of other services

(Maintenance Service)

The company provides administrative staff both on-site (on-site). or take care of it online (Online) The conditions are in accordance with the agreement between the company and the customer.

Data analysis service, creating various statistical reports

(Report, Data, Dashboard, Summary)

Service to prepare reports summarizing data in various formats from customer data such as Monthly sales summary report Customer purchasing behavior analysis report Annual reports from all branches, etc. (Real-time reporting service via API connection)

After-sale service With system quality assurance Consult about system problems after use for free!!

(Support, Help Desk, After-sales Service)

There is a guarantee for the quality of the after-sales system and free consultations on system problems throughout maintenance

Some customers who choose to use the service

Vision DIGI

Become a leader in software development that meets CMMI standards.

Mission DIGI

Develop quality software at a reasonable price. The goal of the business is to create software. To be known and desired Taking into account customer satisfaction as well as being able to deliver work to customers 100% according to appointment time.


User experience

The technology we use to create and develop systems

We have developed various systems to many customers, such as email server systems, CRM systems, ERP systems, etc. These systems are developed using modern and efficient technology and tools including Analysis Design. technology, Cloud Technology, Open Source Technology, Database Technology, API Gateway Technology, Security Technology, Artificial intelligence technology, Testing Technology make the system highly stable and safe. Able to respond to customer needs very well It has quality and meets customer needs quickly

Analysis Design Technology

Analysis Design Technology

Technology used to analyze the factors that are the true cause (Root Cause) Using the 5 Whys (Five Whys, 5 Ys) tools, PDCAKE and using the Agile methodology. used in developing software systems

Cloud Technology

Cloud Technology

Technology is used as a support system for stability and stability. System flexibility Both private services Cloud and Hybrid Cloud

API Gateway Technology

API Gateway Technology

The technology implemented provides a mechanism to allow two software components to communicate with each other using a powerful set of definitions and tooling protocols. APISIX is a powerful tool at scale Microservices

Database Technology

Database Technology

Technology used in database management that is an open system, for example MySQL, MariaDB, NoSQL etc.

Artificial intelligence technology

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Technology is used as a process of learning from data (Machine Learning). Contains functions that have the ability to understand Learn various knowledge such as perception, learning. Reasoning and problem solving

Security Technology

Security Technology

The technology used has many parts of security, including Operating System Security, Network. Security, Database Security, Application Program Security

Open Source Technology

Open Source Technology

The technology used in software development is based on ideas that rely on the collaboration of developers around the world. Efficient, divided into 2 parts 1) Front-end HTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) etc. 2) Back-end examples: PHP, Python, Lua, C/C++, Go, etc

Testing Technology

Testing Technology

Technology is used as a process for evaluating and improving the quality of software by finding errors or bugs in existing software. Consists of 1) Manual Testing 2) Automated Testing and also uses CI/CD technology. Come help develop and improve the software continuously

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Solutions Digital Company Limited, website and application developer All types of legal work and network system installation services according to customer needs. Experienced in consulting on problems with old work systems. Ready to analyze and design new work systems according to needs. Along with guaranteeing the quality of the after-sales system and providing consultation on the delivered system throughout maintenance

Address: No. 7, Intersection 17-4, Soi Phetkasem 79, Nong Khaem Subdistrict, Nong Khaem District, Bangkok 10160

Contact number : +66 81 860 4136

Email : [email protected]

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